Friday, January 20, 2012

Put You in Your Place!

Ramune' has caught Elly in her personal things and takes offense to it.
 YOU!!!!!!!! We apparently need to come to an understanding!
Elly: No! What are you doing!
Elly: I feel all tingly!
Marvin: NO Ramune', STOP!
Marvin: But WHY, Ramune'? Why?
Ramune: She's not respecting my space. Oh quit your whining, it'll wear off before bedtime. Go, play with her or something. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting on the Wrong Foot

Now I'm perfectly fine with having a little brother to keep me company, but this intruder on our happy little family comes tromping in expecting to be treated like a little queen. In MY house!!!!

Ramune': I wouldn't do that..
Marvin: *gasp*
Elly: Hi, I'm Elly. That's Marvin, my brother.
Ramune': At least you know how to greet people. What's up with the boy child with no manners?
Elly: He's young, leave him be!
Elly: HEY!!!
Ramune: And YOU are Hyper!
Ramune': So back off a bit and give a girl some breathing room!
Marvin: I'm sorryyyyy (sobs)
Elly: I think you better apologize, Ramune'.
Ramune: *rolls eyes* Fine. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be sent away and took it out on you. Will someone show me to my room now?