Wednesday, January 9, 2013

And then there were THREE!

Hi Everybody! Today I want to share with you what it means to have a growing family. I don't mean just in numbers, although from what secrets I've heard whispered that's an important part of it, but also, apparently, 'growing' in size!
When it was just me, all my stuff fit in a baggie.
Then I started getting toys, so Ma gave me this box. She even put a doll sticker on it.
Then along came Marvin, and there was plenty of room to share.
Even when Ramune' came along there was room. Ma planned ahead very well.
Then along came Alex. Like Marvin, he's a boy, so even though his clothes were SO big there was still plenty of room.
Well, that story got weird, and now we have Lexi too.
Will you just look at all this stuff?! It's very pretty, but it's getting wrinkled.
So we Puki's moved to this smaller box.
Next thing we knew Lexi got in a bunch of FLUFFY dresses! And they were getting smashed! Quickly Marvin and I searched under Ma's bed and found...
Another box!
I said it was fluffy, and it has boots to match!
Well, we got her all moved over, and Alex will have his own box for his stuff, toys included. 
What we're going to do when the next arrival hits I have no idea!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

She did it!

Thanks to incessant nagging on my part, and guilt trips from Lexi, Ma FINALLY got all those stories transferred. Alex and Lexi, of course, get their own blog, which I moderate on occasion, so enjoy!!!

Sadly, our 'family photo' can't include both Alex and Lexi, due to the nature of their situation.